ABILITY BOW provides a wonderful service – and it’s always struggling to stay open as funding for public services declines.
The company runs a gym which provides exercise opportunities for a very special audience: people with long or short term disabilities. It’s a very practical way to support the equalities agenda in Tower Hamlets.
The centre has facilities which people with disabilities can use, but it will also support individuals who have special needs, perhaps as a result of suffering a stroke.
Now the company has teamed up with students from Queen Mary, University of London, to research what kind of merchandise service users may be interested in acquiring. The work has begun with an online survey for service users. It’s comprehensive, but as most responses involved ticking boxes it shouldn’t take long to do. The survey must be completed by 8th July.
However, has Ability Bow missed a trick here? Many of their service users will be short of cash. If the aim of the merchandise is to raise funds, why not market it to Tower Hamlets residents who do not use the facilities at Ability Bow, but may be keen to support them? People who can afford to use the private gyms in Tower Hamlets still need T-shirts and kit bags – and may be happy to support Ability Bow.
What products would they most like to buy? Maybe that’s the next survey!
•Take the Ability Bow survey here (by noon on Wednesday, 8th July):
•Read more about it:
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