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Capital Kids Cricket volunteers deliver food parcels

Muhammad Hamza Rahman

THE TEAM AT Capital Kids Cricket has been very busy this half term delivering online classes, coaching and activities for children and families. Additionally, volunteers have chosen to engage in supporting a community which has been hit hard by Covid and lockdown.

As part of a drive to interact and serve those in need, team members have been preparing large food parcels to assist families facing hardship in Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest. Referrals were received from front line workers on the ground, and recipient lists have been compiled.

At the official launch at Leyton County Cricket Ground the team went shopping, unloaded and packed boxes with more than 20 food items. These will be collected by volunteers and delivered to the recipients at their homes over the course of the half term break. The project by Capital Kids aims to provide follow up support to the recipients.

There was a strong cricketing element involved and volunteering on the day were Capital Kids Cricket CEO Shahidul Alam Ratan; Essex Cricket Director Jawar Ali; Operations & Development Manager Joe Fisher; and Ekota Academy Head Coach Emdad Rahman.

Shahidul Alam Ratan, who is also the Head of Development at Capital Kids Cricket, commented, “It has been a great learning experience today and we are in no doubt about the hardship our communities are facing. In all my years I have never witnessed this level of human anxiety and this has had a direct knock on effect on people and their wellbeing.

“We hope this small gesture will help our community and it has been heartwarming to listen to sentiments expressed by recipients excited at the prospect of human contact and food parcels. Huge thanks to our selfless volunteers, including additional support and guidance from Scintilla CC Chair Emdad Rahman.”

Essex Director Jawar Ali added, “I’ve been inspired by the dedication of our team and learnt a great deal from such selfless acts. I hope our efforts will make a small but positive difference in the lives of those we serve. Well done, everybody.”

Find out more about Capital Kids Cricket:
Twitter, Instagram: @capitalkidscric
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ckidsc/

●Read more about it:
Team Hamlets launch 100k Oxfam trek
Redbridge councillor runs over snow for Food Bank funds

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