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Lonely Orphans volunteers complete London Bridges run

Emdad Rahman

A TEAM OF 22 volunteers has completed a charity run of the City of London bridges. The post lockdown event saw the runners work in socially distanced pairs to help raise awareness of orphan causes supported by the Lonely Orphans charity.

UK charity Lonely Orphans is based in Bethnal Green and works to help orphans and the vulnerable among them around the world. The team endeavours to empower the disadvantaged by giving aid with dignity to help fight poverty and injustice and for a better future.

Lonely Orphans has been working with the Rohingya people – dubbed the most persecuted ethnic group on Earth – since 2013. The charity has helped thousands of vulnerable women and children with emergency food, shelter, medicine and many other amenities.

Abul Hussain, 31, commented, “We had such a great vibe here today. We ran in pairs and got lots of nice greetings from tourists visiting London. I’m really pleased that the team did so well and would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported us.”

Lonely Orphans fundraising manager Md Imran added, “We’re really pleased we missed the rain today. The camaraderie between our team was great even though we were socially distanced whilst running. The bond within the team was so good that all the runners who finished stayed on at the end to cheer those who came after. At Lonely Orphans we are dedicated to supporting orphans and it was really nice to be greeted so positively by tourists visiting our great city!”

The team’s efforts raised over £6,000 to support the charity’s activities.

To find out more about the work of Lonely Orphans and/or to donate, go to:

●Read more stories about the Lonely Orphans charity:
Lonely Orphans