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Neo Cricket Club hosts World Cup Fun Day

Emdad Rahman

NEO CRICKET CLUB delivered a colourful family fun day at Leyton County Ground in celebration of the Cricket World Cup.

There was an array of family entertainment on show throughout the ground, including a bouncy castle and popular board games like Carrom and Ludo. Alongside a wide range of fun activities, a wide selection of food and drinks was served throughout the day.

The events ran alongside plenty of cricket. Leyton Wicketz Under-12 players, led by National Cricket League (NCL) co-founder Sajid Patel, played a friendly fixture to start off the day. This was followed by the NCL Champions Division fixture, played between Neo CC and Ocean XI. There was also live coverage of the India -v- Australia World Cup game.

The ICC and ECB are keen to support events of this nature, which are an opportunity to reach out to the local community and engage the younger generation. The Neo Cricket Club was just one of nearly 3,000 clubs which have signed up to run a day or weekend of family-based activities – and their Fun Day certainly attracted local residents, thanks to ICC/ECB support.

Club Secretary Ayaz Karim said, “To expand local cricketing communities through the excitement of the World Cup tournament, we organised this family Fun Day. Organisations like Capital Kids, NCL, Leyton Wicketz, and Waltham Forest Council came forward to support us, which means a lot to us. I would like to thank all our dedicated club volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to deliver a fantastic event like this in Waltham Forest.”