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Roy Castle Foundation holds virtual run

THE LOCKDOWN hasn’t stopped charities trying to raise funds – and the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is marking its 30th anniversary by holding an “I Love the 90s Virtual Run” to do just that.

The event is the first in a new Retro Running Series. The charity hopes that those who remember the Blur vs Oasis battle, the “girl power” high kicks of the Spice Girls – and those who indulged in Electronic sounds – will be inspired to take part in a virtual running rave.

If you would like to donate to the Foundation, choose your distance and sign up. Your run can be done in one go or in stages, over a number of days. It must be completed before the end of June, though – so you only have a week.

Runners may purchase an “I love the 90s” technical top and all runners who complete their distance will be sent medals and will be given access to an ultimate 90s playlist. Medals and merchandise will be sent out at the start of July. Runners may attempt to obtain sponsorship to fund their T-shirt purchase and entrance fees – but remember to keep your sponsorship appeal socially distanced.

The Foundation reminds runners to follow Government guidelines and suggests that runners stay two metres away from other people when doing your run. If you have any health concerns, please do not run – contact your doctor.  If you want to go for a distance that is outside your comfort zone, do consider doing it in stages – particularly if you are running in hot weather.

Sign up options
Register for race only (£9)
Register for race plus an I Love the 90s technical top (£28)
All vests and tops will be sent out with medals following the end of the event.

For more information and to register, go to:

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